If protected by wicker patio furniture covers, Wicker furniture can last for decades. I remember fondly my grandmother's wicker furniture. As a child I did not like it as well as my own family's boxy picnic table ans brightly coloured stacking plastic chairs. As I said I was a child. Now I would love to have my grandmother's old furniture. The same stuff in sells for an arm and a leg in anitque stores.
Old is new again is a theme we hear all the time. I think Martha Stewart likely single handedly made us crave the methods used and the lifestyles/skills of used by our grandmothers. Whether these methods or lifestyles/skills related to flower arranging, preserving jams, arranging a table, growing our own herbs or drinking ice tea in wicker furniture, it's new to want what is old.
So if you have purchased expensive wicker patio furniture or were lucky enough to inherit some, you would be well served to protect your treasured belongings with good quality wicker patio furniture covers. A few years ago this would have been very difficult as that type of cover was hard to find. Thankfully, as wicker patio furniture has made a resurgence, the covers for the same became easier to come by.
There are a number of online sources that sell patio furniture covers and specifically covers for wicker furniture. You could also check the yellow pages under patio furniture or wicker furniture.
Another way to get these covers is to hire a seamstress to sew a series of sack like bags that have a drawstring around the bottom or have an elasticized bottom. These can be slipped over the wicker furniture and tightened at the bottom. Make sure the fabric you choose is UV resistant and water resistant for the best protection.
Wicker furniture is a beautiful addition to your outdoor decorating scheme. Protect
your beautiful furniture with good quality wicker patio furniture covers.